Smack in the middle of my summer, I went to see the movie of the summer at midnight on its opening day. I think that's so summer. The Dark Knight was amazing (even though it ended once then went on for 30 more minutes). Heath Ledger will most definitely get the Oscar and I would like to be the one to accept it for him because I enjoyed his role that much. You know how he got those scars?

This is me, in the kind-of thinker pose.
That's my one piece. I just completely let myself go around March, pre swimsuit season and I found that sexy ditty to be my only option.

This is my best friend, Lauren. She makes my summer better.

Although I'm certain it's obvious, that's Modest Mouse waaay up there in case you aren't a big enough fan to spot them in a pic like this. (Con Lauren)

Moir family
outing to the pool at the beach. Wouldn't be complete without BudLight-in-a-can and those wild and crazy faces. This was taken at the grandiose Amerisuites at Atlantic Beach, NC where we occupied 5 rooms with
stocked minifridges (probably the cutest invention ever.)

Second motorcycle ride of my life. A little sushi, some minigolf and a little magic on a crotch rocket in Winston-Salem.
Looks like your having a lot of fun with your summer. I want to see batman as well but just for Keith Ledger. By the way, this is the first blog I ever subscribed to. I like it.
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