Friday, November 14, 2008

Diet: Day 1

oh my god.
i am so fucking hungry.
carrots are nasty, but i think it's because the ones that I'm eating are weeks old, when I originally decided to start the diet.
It's definitely an addiction to food. I transferred my addiction to drugs to food like a lot of people do and I gained 30 pounds in 6 months. I hear that it will take that long to lose it, so I plan on being this weight for the rest of my life but uuck. (not really. especially if Bryce dumps me. jk, he's not allowed to do that.)
I used to take adderall a couple of times per week and on those days I had really bad cotton-mouth but no appetite but now that I'm not taking those things anymore, I fill the time and energy with eating big, fatty meals.
I love cheese. That's all there is to it.
But maybe it's those Italian BMTs from Subway and the burritos from Moe's and alllll the Bento. But, I quit working there and can never go back, so maybe my body's lack of milk tea will result in some loss-age.
So my plan is simple: less fat, fewer cals, a few brisk walks and maybe some treks on my beach cruiser.
This was the first time that I actually evaluated what I've been eating. I looked at yesterday's intake and figured that the past 6 months have been very similar.